

This is an accumulation of ink on the plate surface and shoulders of the printing images especially with small type and halftone screened areas.

Too much ink transferred.
Debris or particles of pigments.
Incorrect design of letters, graphics, screen.
Ink with an incorrect solvent balance.
Incorrect setting of the rollers.
Wrongly prepared printing plate.
Ink transfer from the previous printing unit.
Excessive ink transfer.
pH or viscosity value out of control.

Use an anilox roller with a lower volume.
Use dispersed ink with small particles, check that the pump, hoses and ducts are clean.
Check that the design is suitable for printing by flexo.
Use the recommended mixtures of solvents.
Increase the pressure of the inking roller or the doctor blade or the closure of the doctor blade chamber.
Check the plate relief and the printing surface – check that the edges of the printing images are not round. If the printing plate is too soft use a plate with a higher shore hardness.
Check the drying speed of the solvents in the different colours and ensure that they are balanced between the Different printing decks.
Maintain the correct viscosity value – check that the anilox roller has the correct cell count l/cm (lpi) and volume.
Maintain the viscosity and pH level at a constant level – check that the ink containers are always covered with their lids.

Helmut Mathes, troubleshooting defects supplied curtesey of Flexo & Gravure Int''l 2011


The shape and consistency of anilox cells makes a huge impact on ink transfer and cleanliness of the inking process to the printing plate.

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Flexo is a contact and pressure sensitive process. Increasing printing pressure, influences ink transfer and has a significant impact on print quality and performance

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Controlling the variables in the Pre-press of the flexo process, helps to eliminate variations and printing defects.

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The advantage of Direct Computer to Print

The advantage of Direct Computer to Print

Fast overall process with a simple digital workflow.

Total digital dot creation controls dot shape, relief depth and dot height

Direct engraving of ITR seamless continuous sleeves

Direct engraving eliminates washout and drying process

Perfect registration of plates and sleeves

'Cal-Kwik' automatic material calibration for engraving Polymer or Elastomer

'Perfect Balance' automatically re-balances the print form for high-speed printing